Rabu, 21 September 2011

Sanda Village


Sanda village located 50 km northwest of the Tabanan town in the district Pupuan precisely. The main road to get to this village is Antosari where the road passes along the road you will be able to see the sight stretching sloping field that is so beautiful. The village is in the know are very cool with stunning scenery as situated at the foot of the mountain Batukaru. Situated at an altitude of approximately 1150 m above sea level. A brief history of why the village is called sanda because, at this village recently built village is used as a place to rest by those who make long journeys across the village. Or in the language of Bali called "Mesandekan" then the sentence is in the village of sanda take this name.
  The main income of local communities is the result of gardening and rice fields. In this village has a unique tradition of mutual cooperation in working together. For example there are families that require weeks to finish the job of labor, then the neighbors would help to solve it but the   pay is not money but the reward is given in the form of energy that is used to help him later vice versa.
Sanda rice field

In the Hindu tradition, the local community is holds the customs of their ancestors that isstill sacred kris dance that can only be watched on certain days during the celebration of the temple is piodalan.

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Bedugul Botanical Garden

When it arrived in Bedugul area, the first attraction you can visit Eka Karya Botanical Garden is better known as Bedugul Botanical Gardens. This botanical garden was first encountered when entering the area of ​​Bedugul, precisely Candikuning rural areas, District Baturiti. From the highway Denpasar-Singaraja, this botanical garden located on the left of the road with a big hint at a gate entrance area.
Entrance fee for adults costing Rp 3,500 at the two entrances. Specifically left the door of car users, while on the right to motorcycle users. Differences entrance is done because the car while the motor is not dperbolehkan entry. So if you bring a car, you are more able to reach the farthest regions of the botanical gardens in the area.However, because the atmosphere is cool and refreshing by a variety of plants, hiking (trekking) could be an attractive option.
As a botanical garden, Bedugul Botanical Garden has a collection of thousands of plants that reach 16,000 plants collection consisting of 1,500 species, 320 genera, and 155 of the tribe of plants. In addition, there are still wild plants and various birds.The total area of ​​154.5 hectares Bedugul Botanical Gardens with a very friendly landscape at an altitude of 1250-1400 above sea level. Some parts are higher than other parts, so little climbing. But the verdant expanse of grass that made the trip okay to pass. The grass was like covering the ground between the lush tall trees and other plants. Not surprisingly, many visitors who choose to sit on the grass. There is a grounded mat but more directly grounded in the grass under the shade of trees.Under these conditions, Bedugul Botanical Garden's most visited family on weekends. While the ladies and gentlemen sat chatting in the verdant grass, the kids can play ball or race against friends. But when it's there, why not walk to see various places in the botanical gardens only one in Bali?
There are several paths we can take when visiting. By management botanical garden, the line is divided into six of the Yellow Line, Orange Line, Purple Line, Red Line, Blue Line, and Line Bird. Yellow Line is the line the first time we met briefly after the temple as the main gate. We will pass through the paved roads, trails, meadows and the occasional road. This path is circular and it will end up back at the main entrance where we first entered. Passing this point we will see lush pine trees Pandak (Dacrycarpus imbricatus) tall and a host of other plants such as nails and orchids, a collection of ceremonial plants such as betel leaves, jasmine, wood dadap, turmeric, and others. We will also pass corpse flower, pandanus plants, Pura Batu Meringgit, and the two statues is a statue of Ravana and Jatayu sculpture Kumbakarna Game .
Purple Line will take you through pathways different collections of wild orchid plants in Indonesia and cactus collection. Some information that reaches 4000 species of orchids. The types of orchids among other scorpion orchid (Arachnis floss-Aeris) which erwarna brown and bright pink color interspersed. There is also a ground orchid (Spathologlottis plicata) and rows of orchids of North and South America, among others Epindrum radicans. Some orchids bloom all year round with red, orange, purple, and orange. More complete, orchids were also in two greenhouses in this pathway. In July-August, we could even see the black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata) is famous for.On the Red Line we can see how the arrangement of a traditional Balinese house unique. The house was fully composed of small buildings in a single separate entity.At this point we can see the traditional crops that are used everyday Balinese society such as food, clothing and fibers, medicines, spices, construction materials, toys, until the ingredients ceremony.
Walking the Red Line we will surround the garden ferns. This path is along the gravel road so as to give a massage when walking. Automatically, we will be more fresh.The nail in the pathway of plants, among others, a nail with about 200 species of maidenhair ferns, tree nails, nail rane, nail nests, and the like. There are also ferns for the home industry and very ancient ferns that nails the elephant's trunk. Plant Latin name of this evecta Angiopteris trunked short but very large leaves.
Final path we can take are the Gaza Birds are designed so that we can see the birds in their habitat directly. Birds that can be encountered among other Australian species such as Australian honey-sucking birds that are small with dark brown color, brown back, and the bottom is gray. While Asia's bird species can be found is sriganti bird who likes to move fast when flying from one tree to another. Other birds such as swallows cow, cuckoo, kucica stone, Scaly-breasted Javanese, orioles, and others.Across the area, the birds that we can enjoy while walking or sitting in a meadow while at rest.

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011


Bali is the name of a province in Indonesia and is also the name of the largest islands that are part of the province. In addition to comprising the island of Bali, Bali Province region also consists of islands smaller in the vicinity, namely the island of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan Island, Nusa Island and Island Ceningan attack.

Bali lies between Java and Lombok Island. Denpasar is the provincial capital located on the southern island. The majority of Balinese are Hindu. In the world famous Bali as a tourist destination with a unique variety of art-culture, especially for the Japanese and Australian tourists. Bali is also known as the Thousand Islands and the island temple.

Bali Island is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands along the 153 km and 112 km wide around 3.2 km from the island of Java. Astronomically, Bali is located at 8 ° 25'23 "south latitude and 115 ° 14'55" East Longitude tropical climate that makes it like the rest of Indonesia.

Mount Agung is the highest point in Bali as high as 3148 m. The volcano last erupted in March 1963. Mount Batur is also one of the mountain in Bali. About 30,000 years ago, Mount Batur erupted and produced a terrible disaster on earth. Unlike in the north, the southern part of Bali is irrigated lowland rivers.

Based on the relief and topography, in the middle of the island lie the mountains that extends from west to east and between the mountains there is a cluster of volcanoes of Mount Batur and Mount Agung and the mountains are not volcanoes, namely Gunung Merbuk, Mount Gunung Patas and Seraya. The existence of these mountains cause by Geographic Region Bali is divided into 2 (two) parts are not the same as the North Bali with a narrow lowland and less sloping and the lowlands of South Bali's wide and sloping. Bali slope of the land consists of flat land (0-2%) covering 122 652 ha of undulating land (2-15%) covering 118,339 ha, steep land (15-40%) and covering an area of ​​190,486 ha of land is very steep (> 40%) an area of ​​132,189 ha. Province of Bali has 4 (four) lakes are located in mountainous areas, namely Danau Beratan, Buyan, Tamblingan and Lake Batur.

The capital of Bali is Denpasar. Other important places are Ubud as an art center located in Gianyar regency, while Kuta, Sanur, Seminyak, Jimbaran and Nusa Dua are some places become tourist destinations, both coastal and resort tourism.
The total area of ​​Bali Province is 5636.66 km2 or 0.29% of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Administratively, the Province of Bali is divided into 9 districts / cities, 55 districts and 701 villages / village.

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Candidasa Karangasem

Candidasa is a major destination of the tourists who come to the Karangasem, lies in the region Bugbug, Karangasem district. Candidasa Kuta beach known as replicas for the same - both have white sand. Highly suitable for water sports such as swimming, diving and snorkeling.

Candidasa is one of the tourist area that developed starting in 1983. At first the name Candidasa is the name of a temple, the Temple Candidasa, which terltak on a small hill and was built in the 12th century AD Has the potential of natural and stunning beaches with white sand.

Underwater Panorama

White sandy beach is actually named the Gulf of the will, but in its development as the enactment of the object and the beach is a tourist attraction, the Gulf coast of the will changed its name to the tourist area of ​​Candidasa in accordance with the name of the existing temples in the region.

Candidasa is located in the hamlet Samuh, Bugbug village, Karangasem district, located 12 km from the City Amlapura and about 45 km from Denpasar City. Natural charm that was developed as a marine tourism object can be an option to perform various activities, such as sun bathing, canoing, snorekling, fishing, trekking through the hills, and no less interesting is the presence of small islands that can reach the distance with a fishing boat ( boats). Small islands are storing potential of the underwater panorama of coral reefs and fish.

Waterfall Nungnung

Nungnung is the name of a small village, located 40 kilometers north of Denpasar. The village is cool air with a height of approximately 900 meters above sea level. Its location adjacent to the village ecotourism, Pelaga.

In this village there is a waterfall that has a height of 50 meters with a water discharge is quite large. His name Nungnung Waterfall. This tourist area has ample parking facilities and access roads to the great waterfall, there was only a little derivative of the stairs.

Sebenrnya nungnung waterfall is not far from the bridge Tukad bangkung about 2-3 km to the west. Locations Waterfalls Nungnung Located in the Banjar Nungnung, Plaga Village, District evening, Badung regency, Bali with coordinates 8 ° 19'47 "S 115 ° 13'45" E.

Cool and green first impression when the stairs down to the waterfall. Ladder after ladder that has been challenging to not dampen the intention kami.Di traveled every corner of the stairs there is a place of rest or a kind of blank bale gazebo bali people bilang.Selang few minutes finally arrived at the bottom right in front of a waterfall that was 70 meters altitude ... oh what a beautiful creation of God ... a short break while taking a picture, jeprat snap here and there to perpetuate nungnung a beautiful waterfall.

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Tukad Bakung Bridge

Jati Luwih

Jati Luwih including one tourist attraction with a beautiful panorama. Variations panoramic rice terraces, steps against the background of wooded mountains, can be categorized as natural attractions are as exciting to Kintamani and Lake Batur. Jati Luwih have cool air being located at an altitude of 7000 meters above sea level. In addition to its natural potential, Teak Luwih the potential cultural store of historical events, especially the construction of a temple that had something to do with the name of the king's power in the palace of Ida Dalem Waturenggong Gelgel (1460-1551).

Jatiluwih tourist attraction is located 48 km from Denpasar. Located 28 km north of Tabanan town. To be able to enjoy a fun tour, then tour the usual combination of Denpasar - Bedugul - Village intersection Pacung - Jati Luwih - Yeh Panes - Tabanan - Alas Kedaton. Jatiluwih tourist attraction visited by tourists and foreign tourists who want to enjoy the cool and the beauty and expanse of rice terraces. Ie once every 210 days on Wednesday was a day Kliwon UGU Petoyan ceremony which also held a dance that is sacred Pendet Guardian.Luwih true nature as a tourist attraction has been known since the Dutch power Bali (1910-1942). But the road that connects to the object is broken then not many tourists who visit there to enjoy the beautiful panorama, cool and refreshing.

Poorly maintained condition lasted until 1970 and thereafter with the help of government funds, infrastructure development under increasing attention. It turns out that asphalt roads have been built that can lift the name  Jati Luwih be natural attractions for visitors.
Besides enjoying the cool beauty of the natural panorama of mountains, Jati Luwih also save the unique attractions of religious ceremonies every 210 days on the day Wali, Petoyan, Patirtan Wednesday kliwon UGU. At its peak the ceremony is also performed sacred dances Pendet Guardian. (Wan)

Identification and Attractiveness 

Jati Luwih including one tourist attraction with a beautiful panorama. Variations panoramic rice terraces, steps against the background of wooded mountains, can be categorized as natural attractions are very interesting. Teak Luwih have cool air being located at an altitude of 700 m above sea level. In addition to its natural potential, Teak Luwih the potential cultural store of historical events, especially the construction of a temple that had something to do with the name of Ida Dalem the king's power in the Keraton Waturenggong Gelgel (1460-1551).LocationMileage is 48 km from Denpasar. Its location in the north of Tabanan (28 miles). To be able to enjoy a pleasant tour combined tour of the T-junction Bedugul Denpasar Desa Jati Pacung Luwih, Yeh Panes Tabanan, monuments Subak, Alas Kedaton go to Tanah Lot to enjoy the Sun Set with a beautiful panorama of the beach.


Jati Luwih tourist attraction has been equipped with parking facilities, toilets, Bale staring, wantilan to rest, while for the tourists who visit to enjoy the natural beauty of jati Luwih. Around the object has been built several restourant in preparing food and drink service. Roads are getting upgraded so that vehicles can enter from the east path is through the T-junction towards Teak Luwih Pacung likewise from west route through the attractions Yeh Panes Penatahan-Pura Jati Luwih Batukaru up to.VisitVisited by tourists and foreign tourists who want to enjoy the cool and natural beauty, the expanse of rice terraces. Ie once every 210 days on Wednesday is a day Kliwon UGU petoyan ceremony at Temple Petali Pendet which held also dances that are sacred guardians.


Jati Luwih true nature as a tourist attraction has been known since the Dutch power in Bali (1910-1942), due west of the village of Jati Luwih Dutch had established the headquarters of the Dutch Security which in those days until now by the people surrounding the place is called as Dutch Tangsi . The government still declared Teak Luwih directed as a tourist attraction for the village in order to spur the flow of tourists who are increasingly rising in addition to assets that already exist in the form of natural beauty with the cool weather was, along with the rice field terraces stretching the steps, as one form of tourist attraction . Teak Luwih also store the unique attractions of religious ceremonies, when Patirtan at Temple on Wednesday Kliwon Petali UGU. Based on the trust and confidence of local communities Petali temple is a center of worship Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (God Almighty in its manifestation as an agricultural setting.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Goa Gajah

   In Bedulu, about 2km (1 mile)  from the T-intersection at Ubud, is the Elephant cave or Goa Gajah. According to myth, Dalem Bedulu , the King of bedulu , was a devout Buddhist given to decapitating himself before meditating. One day, the courtiers how were instructed to mind the King’s head, lost it, and quickly replaced it whit that of a pig. The King, understandably ashamed of his appearance, concealed himself in a tower and forbade visitors to view the grotesque sight. News of the King’s condition reached Java, and the prime minister of the Majapahit Empire Gajah Mada, was ordered to meet the King of Bedulu and verify the tale. Of course, Gajah Mada found the pig- headed king, so to speak, and caused Bedulu’s ruination. The cave at Goa Gajah, was the real head of the King of Bedulu, which eventually fell beck to earth. Another myth is that Bedulu’s minister, the giant Kebo Iwa, coved the rock-face with his thumbnail.

    Goa Gajah, called the Elephant Cave because archaeologists thought it looked like the head of a elephant, was once a Buddhist monastery. Situated above the Petanu  River, the complex of temple and baths is testament to the influence of Buddhism before the arrival of Hinduism. The entrance to the cove is over 2m (6ft) high and features the whimsical carving of a man with huge eyebrows and moustache – his mouth is the opening. In sade is  a dimly lit T- shaped chamber, with niches carved in the well (don’t forget to take a torch ). At each and of the “T” is a statue of Ganesha, Siwa’s son. Of course, Ganesha is a Hindu God, but there are statues of Buddhist figurines in the pavilion adjacent to the cave, and down the 50 or so steps behind the compound are statues of Buddha.
A confusion of motifs, the Buddhist Balinese established the compound first, and as Hindu influences filtered through, Hindu religious figured were added.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011


Bali has been called "land of thousand temples" - What an undestatemen! Bali might be a small island, but there are many more than thousand temples. Every village has at least three temples, a family compoun has one, each rice growing co-operative (subak) has a temple, even comperaions have them. Some are simple affairs, others are elaborate sorawling complexes of major and minor temples, incorporating pagodas and shrines.

The there important village temple are : the pura puseh (temple of origin) ; the pura desa (village temple); in the centre and pura dalem (temple of the dead). The temple of origin is associated with Brahma the creator, and fces Gunung Agung, towards kaja, as does the village temple with is associated with Wisnu, the preserver. The temple of the dead is a domain of siwa, the destroyer, and faces the sea kelod.

Although no two temples are the sane, amny do share similarties i n design. Most temples have countryards, each with a split gate etrance, known as a candi bentar . The first coutryard is open andspacious with a number pf a small pavilions (bale) where people assemble for prayer and ceremonial preparations.
The second coutryard is much the same , while the inner sactum is a adobe of the gods. Leading to the inner counytryard is a set of doors. Open the doors and a wall prevents the right. The wall is an aling-alingand the prevents spirit from entering the countryard, because it's thought that spirits from great problems negotiating conser! within this countryard are the number of meru shrines wich line the northern and eastern walls. The multi-tired meru have odd-numbered roofs, depending on the god to wich they are dedicated. Located in the north-est corner i sthe lotus throne. This is a padmasana, the seat of Ida Sanghyang widi, the supreme god. If there are three thrones, they are dedicated to the supreme god's manfestations as Brahma, Wisnu, and Siwa.

Each temple has a pemangku who maintains the compound and anyone, regardless of sex or caste, can became one. The high priest, or pedanda, presides over ceremonies, and must be of the brahma caste.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Taman Ujung

Palace Irrigate Back part, which by referred as by local society of Garden of Soekasada Back part woke up in the year 1919. But, opening of palace complex irrigate this do in the year 1912.
Water palace which is construction by last king of Karangasem, Good I The Jelantik, commander in Karangasem among 1909 and 1945 Garden Tip of woke up to greet and serve important guests and
 kings of state of retangga, beside to place for the king of and monarchic family

Garden of Sukasada Tip of located in Countryside of Tumbu, District of Karangasem about 85 km of Airport  of Ngurah Rai or 5 km of Amlapura

Aktifitas Tourism in this area for example: booth eat, restaurant small, and areal park wide . Alltourist which interest with local diligence product can find him in some shop is existing here.

Garden of Soekasada Tip of have been announced as object of wisata cultural remember to be considered to  be one from cultural heritage exist in Sub-Province of KarangasemComplex of Garden of Soekasada Tip of representing combination of Bali architecture and Europe. There are three big pool and wide of in this area. In the middle of especial pool, there are connective building of pool sides with two bridge At highest complex, we will find idol " devout" ( rhinoceros). Below/Under wark is bull idol. From on high this we can see view of marvellous sea with green forest, beauty of Glorious Mount which combined by green rice field dnegan Pride of Garden Tip of have been destroyed by effect erupt it Glorious Mount at year 1963 and made worse with earthquake in the year 1979. But, penyelematan have been conducted to bring again feather in one's cap of complex palace irrigate this by reconstructing.

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011


      Signs of Hindu devotion are everywhere. Small gifts of flowers and rice, scrupolusy prepared, are laid on the dashboard of a bemo, or a counter bontique. Women and gilrs, resplendent is Sarong and Kebaya place efferings in temples, incese and crossroads. They stop awhile to pray, or perhaps light incese to attract of the gods. Small clues to the spiritual life in Balinese.
     Most Balinese practice a variation of the Hindu religion called Agama Hindu ( the religion of the Hindu Doctrine) but sometimes known as Agama Tirta (the Religion of Holy Water). Balinese Hinduism is unique mixture of Buddhism and Hinduism, combined with a pinch of animism from centuries past.  The basic tenet of Hindu Darma is that the soul (amtan) is reincarnated after death. In what from, depent of personal actions of Karma, and eventually, a soul may archieve unity with the devine (Moksa).
  The Balinese practice their faith with an earthy exuberance, endeavouring to rchieve a balance phisoloshopy, morals an rituals. And balance is everything. The Balinese are aware of the ever present forces of a god and evil. One cannot exist without the other, and indeed, nothing but a balance between the gods and the demons endeavouring to please one, and appease the other.
      Comic stability depents on the co-existence of opposite. In the same way, everything is born, dies is reborn. The soul ives in the heavens or on the earth. Volcanoes eroup and kill, and leter the volcanic as provides fertile loams for cultivation. And those mangy dogs (cecing)  that howl all night and devour ofeeringsl, are merely evil spirits put on earth to balance all things beautiful. The notion opposites is epitomized in the kaja-kelod axis.
     Contrary popular opinion, the educated Hindus subscribe to a monotheistic religion. Ida SangHyang Widi is supreme gos capable of many manifestations, the most natoble being the holy trinity or Trimurti : Brahma,  the crator; isnu the preserver; and Siwa, the destroyer. Belief in  one God is  a first of the five principles of the Republic of Indonesia, known as the panca sila. Event so, average Balinese, not troubled with resolving a plethora of Hindu god with the Islamic notion of the god, acknowledges a multitude of different deties who wach over the family.  

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Yeh Pulu

About a kilometer from Goa Gajah is a 14th century life-size frize, depicting scenes of rural life. Unfortunately, few tourists visit the stite as it entails a walk through rice fields, but it’s easy find the walk isn’t difficult. Between Goa Gajah and the Bedulu croassroads, follow the combblestone road on the right (south), past warung to the rice fields. From there it is a walk to the site.
Carved into the side of the rock, the relief (25m x 2m – 82ft x 6.5ft) its either a series of isolated vignettes on day life of a story. The carvings are very different from any others foumd either on Bali or Java, scenes are naturalistic, and do not conform to editional styles found elsewere.
Framed by a leave  otif, the umpressions include hunters attacking a boor, a farmer hoeing a field, a woman firtively oeeking behind a door. A woman pulling a horses tail; culminating in relief a Ganesha, Siwa’s elephant-headed son. Interestingly, towards the end of the frize, smaller animal scenes seem to parody the human scenes, for instance, a frog stabs a snake an a monkey steers another monkey bu puilling its tail. The carving was “discovered” in the 1920s by the Dutch artist Nieuwenkamp, altouh the Balinese had known about it for years. Legend has it the carving are handiwork of the giant, Kebo Iwo, who etched them with his thumbnail.

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Museum Bali

On the ertern side of Puputan Squere is Museum Bali. Erected in 1932 by the Duch, and wuth the subsequent assistance of Walter spies, it attempts to present a historical account of Balinese culture within aggricultural framework. Housand in Tabanan, Karangasem and buleleng styles of architecture, the museum illustretes the two types of cuntstruction in Bali, temples and palaces. The split gate, outer and inner countyards, and kulkul drim typify the temple, while the thatched roofs, ornate windows an verandahs characterise the palace.
 The main two-storey building, located at the back of the enterance countyard, house traditional  artefacts from Bali's prehistory, incluiding a massive stone sarcophagus. There are two black and white phographs documenting the 1906 puputan at Badung.
The first pavilion was designed in Singaraja style of architecture and contains textile including endek (ikat), geringsing (double ikat) and silk songket. The second pavilion, built in the style of an18th  century Karangasem palace, house religious and ceremonial artefacts. The third pavilion is reminiscent of Tabanan palaces and displays thge mask, costumes and puppets associated with music and dance.
The museum's content are a little disappointing as some are item poorly lablled and rather haphazardly arraged. Nonetheless, the museums is worth visiting for the examples of architecture, and does give the visitor an idea of history and culture of the island.
   The museum is open : tuesday to thursday 7.30am-1.30pm.
friday 7.30am-11.30am. Saturday to Sunday 8am-12pm and Closed monday.

Krambitan Village

Wast of Tabanan, 12 km away, is the villages known for its tektekan peformance. Not so much a dance as an exorcism, the peformance is incroporated into the island's annuals day of exorcism, Nyepi. Two palaces built by the Tabanan royal family are located here, and booth offer rooms for rent. The old place, Puri Kerambitan (owned by the grandsons of the late king), has an ornate concert hall decorated wih Chinese porcelain tiles. The second palace, Puri Anyar, holds peformances of the Calon Arang trance dance wich features Rangda the wich.

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Wisata Mangrove

Mangrove merupakan jenis tanaman dikotil yang hidup di habitat payau. Tanaman dikotil adalah tumbuhan yang buahnya berbiji berbelah dua. Pohon mangga adalah contoh pohon dikotil dan contoh tanaman monokotil adalah pohon kelapa. Kelompok pohon di daerah mangrove bisa terdiri atas suatu jenis pohon tertentu saja atau sekumpulan komunitas pepohonan yang dapat hidup di air asin.Hutan mangrove mempunyai keterkaitan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup manusia sebagai penyedia bahan pangan, papan dan kesehatan. Fungsi mangrove dibedakan menjadi 5 golongan yaitu: 

1 Fungsi Fisik
a.       Menjaga garis pantai agar tetap stabil dan kokoh dari abrasi air laut
b.      Melindungi pantai dan tebing sungai dari proses erosi atau abrasi serta menahan atau menyerap tiupan angin kencang dari laut ke darat pada malam hari
c.       Menahan sedimen secara periodik sampai terbentuk lahan baru
d.      Sebagai kawasan penyangga proses intrusi atau rembesan air laut ke danau, atau sebagai filter air asin menjadi air tawar.

2 Fungsi Kimia
a.       Sebagai tempat terjadinya proses daur ulang yang menghasilkan oksigen
b.      Sebagai penyerap karbondioksida
c.        Sebagai pengolah bahan-bahan limbah hasil pencemaran industri dan kapal dilaut.
3 Fungsi Biologi
  1. Sebagai kawasan untuk berlindung, bersarang serta berkembangbiak bagi burung dan satwa lain
  2.  Sebagai sumber plasma nutfah dan sumber genetika
  3. Sebagai habitat alami bagi berbagai jenis biota darat dan laut
  4.  Sebagai penghasil bahan pelapukan yang merupakan sumber makanan penting bagi invertebrata kecil pemakan bahan pelapukan (detritus) yang kemudian berperan sebagai sumber makanan bagi hewan yang lebih besar
  5. Sebagai kawasan pemijahan (spawning ground) dan daerah asuhan (nursery ground) bagi udang
  6. Sebagai daerah mencari makanan (feeding ground) bagi plankton
4 Fungsi Ekonomi
  1. Penghasil bahan baku industri, misalnya pulp, tekstil, makanan ringan
  2.  Penghasil bibit ikan, udang, kerang dan kepiting, telur burung serta madu
  3. Penghasil kayu bakar, arang serta kayu untuk bangunan dan perabot rumah tangga.

5 Fungsi Wisata
  1. Sebagai kawasan wisata alam pantai untuk membuat trail mangrove
  2. Sebagai sumber belajar bagi pelajar
  3. Sebagai lahan konservasi dan lahan penelitian

 Potensi dari Manggrove:
Bisa kita lihat mangrove merupakan salah satu obyek wisata alam yang memilki banyak potensi antara lain:
A. Mangrove bisa mencegah Tsunami
B. Mangrove dan Produktivitas Perikanan
Kebijakan pemerintah dalam menggalakkan komoditi ekspor udang, telah turut andil dalam merubah sistem pertambakan yang ada dalam wilayah kawasan hutan. Pengurangan hutan mangrove terutama di areal green belt sudah barang tentu akan menurunkan produktivitas perikanan tangkapan.
C. Mangrove dan Intrusi Air Laut
Mangrove juga mampu dalam menekan laju intrusi air laut ke arah daratan.
D. Mangrove dan Kesehatan
Di areal hutan mangrove di Tanjung Karawang menjumpai 9 jenis nyamuk yang berada di areal tersebut. Dilaporkan bahwa nyamuk Anopheles sp., nyamuk jenis vektor penyakit malaria, ternyata makin meningkat populasinya seiring dengan makin terbukanya pertambakan dalam areal mangrove. Ini mengindikasikan kemungkinan meningkatnya penularan malaria dengan makin terbukanya areal-areal pertambakan perikanan.
E. Mangrove dan Keanekaragaman Hayati
Mangrove juga memiliki fungsi ekologis sebagai habitat berbagai jenis satwa liar. Keanekaragaman fauna di hutan mangrove cukup tinggi, secara garis besar dapat dibagi dua kelompok, yaitu fauna akuatik seperti ikan, udang, dan kerang.
Selain potensi yang ada di atas mangrove juga berpotensi menjadi objek untuk calon pasangan suami istri untuk membuat foto prawedding dan sekedar untuk mengabadikan moment – moment tertentu.
2.3 Fasilitas
Fasilitas yang ada di mangrove yaitu :
  1. Toilet  
Di manggrove terdapat toilet untuk pengunjung yaitu berada dekat dengan penjaga tiket masuk sebelum masuk ke hutan mangrove.                            
  1. Tempat istirahat
    Di sepanjang perjalanan ke dalam hutan mangrove ada seperti pondok – pondok peristirahatan bagi pengunjung jika kelelahan melakukan perjalanan.
  1. Menara Tower
    Di menara ini kita bisa melihat wilayah mangrove yang begitu luas dan pemandangan yang sangat bagus karena tingginya mencapai -+ 10 meter selain tempat untuk melihat pemandangan tempat ini juga bisa dijadikan tempat peristirahatan dan juga tempat untuk foto - foto.
  1. Warung makan
    Di wilayah manggrove terdapat warung makan yang menjual makanan berupa mie instan, camilan, minuman dll.
  1. Parkir untuk pengunjungDi mangrove terdapat parkir yang sederhana di sekitar wilayah mangrove.
  1. Jalan Tracking
Pengunjung dapat menikmati panorama keindahan hutan mangrove dengan jalan santai mengikuti hutan mangrove sepanjang 1,4 Km menuju pantai