Bedugul Botanical Garden
When it arrived in Bedugul area, the first attraction you can visit Eka Karya Botanical Garden is better known as Bedugul Botanical Gardens. This botanical garden was first encountered when entering the area of Bedugul, precisely Candikuning rural areas, District Baturiti. From the highway Denpasar-Singaraja, this botanical garden located on the left of the road with a big hint at a gate entrance area.
Entrance fee for adults costing Rp 3,500 at the two entrances. Specifically left the door of car users, while on the right to motorcycle users. Differences entrance is done because the car while the motor is not dperbolehkan entry. So if you bring a car, you are more able to reach the farthest regions of the botanical gardens in the area.However, because the atmosphere is cool and refreshing by a variety of plants, hiking (trekking) could be an attractive option.
As a botanical garden, Bedugul Botanical Garden has a collection of thousands of plants that reach 16,000 plants collection consisting of 1,500 species, 320 genera, and 155 of the tribe of plants. In addition, there are still wild plants and various birds.The total area of 154.5 hectares Bedugul Botanical Gardens with a very friendly landscape at an altitude of 1250-1400 above sea level. Some parts are higher than other parts, so little climbing. But the verdant expanse of grass that made the trip okay to pass. The grass was like covering the ground between the lush tall trees and other plants. Not surprisingly, many visitors who choose to sit on the grass. There is a grounded mat but more directly grounded in the grass under the shade of trees.Under these conditions, Bedugul Botanical Garden's most visited family on weekends. While the ladies and gentlemen sat chatting in the verdant grass, the kids can play ball or race against friends. But when it's there, why not walk to see various places in the botanical gardens only one in Bali?

There are several paths we can take when visiting. By management botanical garden, the line is divided into six of the Yellow Line, Orange Line, Purple Line, Red Line, Blue Line, and Line Bird. Yellow Line is the line the first time we met briefly after the temple as the main gate. We will pass through the paved roads, trails, meadows and the occasional road. This path is circular and it will end up back at the main entrance where we first entered. Passing this point we will see lush pine trees Pandak (Dacrycarpus imbricatus) tall and a host of other plants such as nails and orchids, a collection of ceremonial plants such as betel leaves, jasmine, wood dadap, turmeric, and others. We will also pass corpse flower, pandanus plants, Pura Batu Meringgit, and the two statues is a statue of Ravana and Jatayu sculpture Kumbakarna Game .
Purple Line will take you through pathways different collections of wild orchid plants in Indonesia and cactus collection. Some information that reaches 4000 species of orchids. The types of orchids among other scorpion orchid (Arachnis floss-Aeris) which erwarna brown and bright pink color interspersed. There is also a ground orchid (Spathologlottis plicata) and rows of orchids of North and South America, among others Epindrum radicans. Some orchids bloom all year round with red, orange, purple, and orange. More complete, orchids were also in two greenhouses in this pathway. In July-August, we could even see the black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata) is famous for.On the Red Line we can see how the arrangement of a traditional Balinese house unique. The house was fully composed of small buildings in a single separate entity.At this point we can see the traditional crops that are used everyday Balinese society such as food, clothing and fibers, medicines, spices, construction materials, toys, until the ingredients ceremony.
Walking the Red Line we will surround the garden ferns. This path is along the gravel road so as to give a massage when walking. Automatically, we will be more fresh.The nail in the pathway of plants, among others, a nail with about 200 species of maidenhair ferns, tree nails, nail rane, nail nests, and the like. There are also ferns for the home industry and very ancient ferns that nails the elephant's trunk. Plant Latin name of this evecta Angiopteris trunked short but very large leaves.

Final path we can take are the Gaza Birds are designed so that we can see the birds in their habitat directly. Birds that can be encountered among other Australian species such as Australian honey-sucking birds that are small with dark brown color, brown back, and the bottom is gray. While Asia's bird species can be found is sriganti bird who likes to move fast when flying from one tree to another. Other birds such as swallows cow, cuckoo, kucica stone, Scaly-breasted Javanese, orioles, and others.Across the area, the birds that we can enjoy while walking or sitting in a meadow while at rest.
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