Jatiluwih tourist attraction is located 48 km from Denpasar. Located 28 km north of Tabanan town. To be able to enjoy a fun tour, then tour the usual combination of Denpasar - Bedugul - Village intersection Pacung - Jati Luwih - Yeh Panes - Tabanan - Alas Kedaton. Jatiluwih tourist attraction visited by tourists and foreign tourists who want to enjoy the cool and the beauty and expanse of rice terraces. Ie once every 210 days on Wednesday was a day Kliwon UGU Petoyan ceremony which also held a dance that is sacred Pendet Guardian.Luwih true nature as a tourist attraction has been known since the Dutch power Bali (1910-1942). But the road that connects to the object is broken then not many tourists who visit there to enjoy the beautiful panorama, cool and refreshing.
Poorly maintained condition lasted until 1970 and thereafter with the help of government funds, infrastructure development under increasing attention. It turns out that asphalt roads have been built that can lift the name Jati Luwih be natural attractions for visitors.
Besides enjoying the cool beauty of the natural panorama of mountains, Jati Luwih also save the unique attractions of religious ceremonies every 210 days on the day Wali, Petoyan, Patirtan Wednesday kliwon UGU. At its peak the ceremony is also performed sacred dances Pendet Guardian. (Wan)
Identification and Attractiveness
Jati Luwih including one tourist attraction with a beautiful panorama. Variations panoramic rice terraces, steps against the background of wooded mountains, can be categorized as natural attractions are very interesting. Teak Luwih have cool air being located at an altitude of 700 m above sea level. In addition to its natural potential, Teak Luwih the potential cultural store of historical events, especially the construction of a temple that had something to do with the name of Ida Dalem the king's power in the Keraton Waturenggong Gelgel (1460-1551).LocationMileage is 48 km from Denpasar. Its location in the north of Tabanan (28 miles). To be able to enjoy a pleasant tour combined tour of the T-junction Bedugul Denpasar Desa Jati Pacung Luwih, Yeh Panes Tabanan, monuments Subak, Alas Kedaton go to Tanah Lot to enjoy the Sun Set with a beautiful panorama of the beach.
Jati Luwih tourist attraction has been equipped with parking facilities, toilets, Bale staring, wantilan to rest, while for the tourists who visit to enjoy the natural beauty of jati Luwih. Around the object has been built several restourant in preparing food and drink service. Roads are getting upgraded so that vehicles can enter from the east path is through the T-junction towards Teak Luwih Pacung likewise from west route through the attractions Yeh Panes Penatahan-Pura Jati Luwih Batukaru up to.VisitVisited by tourists and foreign tourists who want to enjoy the cool and natural beauty, the expanse of rice terraces. Ie once every 210 days on Wednesday is a day Kliwon UGU petoyan ceremony at Temple Petali Pendet which held also dances that are sacred guardians.
Jati Luwih true nature as a tourist attraction has been known since the Dutch power in Bali (1910-1942), due west of the village of Jati Luwih Dutch had established the headquarters of the Dutch Security which in those days until now by the people surrounding the place is called as Dutch Tangsi . The government still declared Teak Luwih directed as a tourist attraction for the village in order to spur the flow of tourists who are increasingly rising in addition to assets that already exist in the form of natural beauty with the cool weather was, along with the rice field terraces stretching the steps, as one form of tourist attraction . Teak Luwih also store the unique attractions of religious ceremonies, when Patirtan at Temple on Wednesday Kliwon Petali UGU. Based on the trust and confidence of local communities Petali temple is a center of worship Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (God Almighty in its manifestation as an agricultural setting.
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